1. Preamble


COURHONE SA ("we", "us" or "our") attaches great importance to the personal data of its customers. The purpose of this policy is to inform you about the collection, use, disclosure, transfer and storage of your personal information that you may provide to us when accessing our services (including marketing), (the “Services”) or when you use this website (including as part of a smartphone application or accessible on another electronic medium), (the "Website").


Please read this Privacy Policy carefully before using the Website. This Privacy Policy explains how your personal data is collected, used and protected. Your access to the Website is conditional upon your acceptance of the Privacy Policy and your conduct in accordance therewith. We are available to answer any questions you may have at the following address: or by post at Rue du Parc 3 bis, 1207 Geneva.


By clicking on the cookie acceptance button on the home page, you agree to be bound by this Privacy Policy and consent to our collection, use and processing of your personal data in accordance with it.


You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, however, it is specified that such withdrawal:

  • - does not call into question the lawfulness of any processing carried out prior to the said withdrawal and based on your consent;

  • may result in you no longer being able to use certain features of the Website;

  • may have no effect on processing that does not require your consent to be carried out in accordance with the applicable legislation.


General guidelines

Our Website contains the following information and enable us to provide the following services:

  • information relating to the services offered by our organization and its members,

  • different ways of contacting us (contact form, phone and e-mail),

  • links to other websites,

  • table reservation.


This Privacy Policy sets out our rules and procedures relating to the collection and processing of data identifying you (i.e. your "Personal Data") that you may communicate to us by visiting our Website or by using one of the website's services.

2. Data controller


The data controller for your personal information is COURHONE SA, c/o UNIFID Conseils SA, a Swiss public limited company with its registered office at Rue du Parc 3 bis, 1207 Geneva, registered with the commercial register of the Geneva Canton under IDE number CHE-177.099.241.


3. Personal data we collect and purpose of collection


The Personal Data we collect via our Website are divided according to the following three sources:

  • Cookies, analysis tools and other similar tools (infra A),

  • Personal data you provide to us (infra B),

  • Personal data from other sources (infra C).


A. What are Cookies and what information do they collect?


Whenever you interact with our Website, we may collect traffic data through cookies or other technologies, involving a dialogue between the website server and your browser. Cookies are small files containing a string of characters (text) sent to your browser by a website server and stored on your device (computer or mobile device). A cookie may contain a unique identifier, but it does not contain or link to any personally identifiable data, such as your name or e-mail address. This traffic data is used for statistical purposes and its analysis is used to improve this Website. Your web browser saves cookies on your device's hard drive for archiving and, in some cases, tracking purposes (e.g. Google Analytics).


We use Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. that collects anonymous statistical and analytical information about the use of our website for web analytics purposes. For example, Google collects and cross-references data relating to page views and clicks on our Website. We do not use these analyses to track your path to other websites, nor to identify you personally. The information generated by the Google Analytics cookies about your use of the Website (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in Geneva, Switzerland. If you wish to refuse Google Analytics cookies, please visit: You can also block them at the same time as other cookies via your web browser settings. By default, you consent to the use of Google Analytics cookies by our Website.


The following information and Personal Data are collected through Cookies:

  • the IP address of the device capable of connecting to the Internet and requesting the connection,

  • the date and time of the connection,

  • the resources you access on the Website,

  • the name and URL of the file consulted,

  • the website/application from which the connection was established (reference URL),

  • the browser you are using and, if necessary, the operating system of your device capable of accessing the Internet, as well as the name of your access provider,

  • the location of the Internet-enabled device requesting the connection.


To control/limit the collection of this information, you can:

  • if available, set your browser to refuse all Cookies or to indicate when a Cookie is being sent,

  • when accessing the Website, select which Cookie you wish to allow and which you wish to block,

  • delete Cookies and clean your browsing data directly from your browser settings.

If you do not accept certain Cookies, you may not be able to access certain features of our Website. 


List of cookies we use :

  • Session cookies: Cookies used to operate the Website.

  • Preference cookies: Cookies used to save your preferences and various settings.

  • Security cookies: Cookies used for security purposes.

  • Analysis cookies: Cookies used to collect standard information about web browsing and visitor behavior. We use these cookies to determine factors such as the number of visitors to certain parts of the Website, to monitor traffic on the Website, to identify any service malfunctions and improve services, and for statistical purposes. This information is processed in such a way as not to identify the persons concerned. We make no attempt to identify individuals visiting our Website, nor do we allow Google to make any such attempt.


If you have consented to geolocation in your browser or operating system settings, or in other settings on your device, we use this feature to offer you personalized services in connection with your location. We process your location data solely for this purpose.


For what purpose do we collect information using Cookies?

We use Cookies and the Personal Data we collect in order to:

  • authorize access to our Website,

  • to make certain functionalities of our Website accessible and to offer you additional functionalities,

  • improve the Website,

  • store information relating to your preferences, enabling us to personalize our Website in accordance with your personal interests,

  • speed up your searches,

  • compile statistical information relating to the use of our Website, in particular to estimate audience size and usage trends,

  • compile aggregate statistics that do not identify you,

  • identify you, record your use, recognize you when you return to our Website, track your activity on our Website and store certain information.


Reason for treatment

The purpose of implementing the foregoing is to maintain and monitor the performance of our Website and to constantly pursue the improvement of the Website and the services offered to our users. The ground on which we justify the processing of your Personal Data in accordance with applicable legislation is processing necessary for the purposes of pursuing our legitimate interests.


In addition, Cookies and other functionalities described above that exceed what is necessary for our legitimate interests (e.g. analytical Cookies) are implemented with your consent via our Cookies banner.


B. Personal data you provide to us


We may collect personal data about you - including your first and last name, e-mail address and phone number - in connection with the reservation of a table on our Website, a request for information via our contact form, your participation in an event, or a phone call, letter, card or e-mail.


For what purpose do we collect Personal Data?

We may use the personal data collected about you for the following purposes:

  • To improve customer services and manage customer relations, in particular to manage loyalty programs. The data collected helps us to respond to your requests and satisfy your needs more effectively,

  • To personalize your user experience on our Website. We may also combine this data to better understand how users, as a group, use the Services and/or resources available on our Website,

  • To manage and improve our Website and Services. We may use your feedback and comments to improve our Services,

  • To send you information that you have agreed to receive on topics that we think may be of interest to you,

  • To send you e-mails about restaurant news,

  • To promote our restaurant,

  • To respond to your inquiries, questions and/or requests of any kind,

  • To deal with legal matters and complaints,

  • To produce reports and statistics, in particular to measure traffic on the Website,

  • To ensure legal and regulatory compliance.


In particular, we may use your Personal Data to send you marketing information, in electronic or paper format, related to information made available on our Website, which we believe may be of interest to you.


In connection with the foregoing, we may use identification tools such as cookies in order to provide us with a representation of your interests. We may then use this information to ensure that, when we send you marketing communications or you visit our Website, you do not miss our offers or any other information that may be of interest to you (targeted digital advertising).


You can request to no longer receive such information by sending us an email at Please note that while your request is being processed, you may receive marketing information during this period.


Reason for treatment

The ground on which we justify the processing of your Personal Data in accordance with applicable legislation is processing necessary for the purposes of pursuing our legitimate interests.


C. Personal data from other sources


What Personal Data do we collect from other sources?

We may collect Personal Data about you from other sources.


Security: We have implemented appropriate security practices and measures for the collection, storage and processing to prevent any unauthorized access to your personal data and to protect them from alteration, disclosure, or destruction. In particular, we use a firewall to help us guarantee the security and performance of our Website. The firewall checks that the traffic observed on the Website behaves as expected, and blocks traffic that presents an anomaly. In order to provide this service, the firewall provider processes the IP addresses of visitors to the Website. However, while we strive to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of information transmitted to our Website while in transit over the Internet using an insecure protocol.


Purpose and reason for processing

The purpose for which we collect your Personal Data from other sources is the development of our business and the maintenance and improvement of our Website and the services we offer to users. The ground on which we justify the processing of your Personal Data in accordance with applicable legislation is processing necessary for the purposes of pursuing our legitimate interests.




This Website may, at any time, contain or use links to third-party websites (notably advertising, partners or social media). These third-party websites have their own privacy policies (including on the use of cookies), which we invite you to examine. We accept no responsibility for the privacy policies of such third-party websites, and you use these websites at your own risk.


Our Website may contain links that direct you to social media as well as to other websites, to enable you to access content available on these platforms. When you access the social media or another website via our Website, the responsibility for complying with applicable data protection requirements lies with the relevant service provider.


When you establish a connection with a social media or a website, your browser connects directly to the server of the relevant service provider. Through this connection, the social media or website receives the information accessed by your browser on the corresponding page of our Website, even if you do not have an account with the social media or are not logged in to it. This information (including your IP address) is transmitted from your browser directly to the service provider's server and stored there. If you are logged in to your social media account, the social media may immediately link your visit to our Website.


Please refer to the privacy policy of the relevant social media or Website for any information in relation to the purpose and scope of the collection of Personal Data by the relevant service provider, the further processing and use of such Personal Data by the relevant service provider, as well as the related rights and adjustment possibilities to enable the protection of your Personal Data.




As explained above, we may compile usage statistics in connection with our Website based in particular on your Personal Data. We may publish these statistics or share them with third parties in aggregate form, in such a way that they do not contain your Personal Data.


Except as set out below, we will not sell, trade, rent or otherwise transfer your personally identifiable data without your express consent.


Your personal data may be collected, stored and processed by a third party, Montres Journe SA. We ensure that our privacy and security policy is communicated to Montres Journe SA, so as to implement privacy safeguards within COURHONE SA.


In addition, we always require these third parties to take the necessary organizational and technical measures to protect your personal and traffic data in accordance with applicable legislation with data protection clauses adopted by the European Commission and/or the Federal Commissioner and/or the competent authorities for transparency and data protection guaranteeing an adequate level of data protection:


  • - We may share with our business and advertising partners aggregated demographic information of a generic nature that does not contain any personally identifiable information about our visitors,

  • We may use third-party service providers to help us manage our business, administer the Website or perform activities on our behalf, such as sending newsletters or managing Google Analytics, as described in the Cookies section above,

  • We may disclose such data to another entity in connection with a merger or acquisition, or to any organization involved in a transfer or sale of our business or capital for the same purposes set forth herein.


To date, the following service providers have access to Personal Data:

  • IT service providers:

    • Thésis: IT support and maintenance (data stored in Switzerland)

    • Idéative : web and digital agency (data stored in Switzerland)

The purpose of sharing your Personal Data with the aforementioned third parties is to ensure our business, as well as to maintain and seek to constantly improve our Website and the Services offered to our users. The ground on which we justify the processing of your Personal Data in accordance with applicable legislation is processing necessary for the purposes of pursuing our legitimate interests.




We may need to disclose your Personal Data (including your communications) if we consider this necessary for security reasons, to investigate a potential breach or other violation of this Privacy Policy and/or to prevent harm that may be caused to other users of our Website. Consequently, we may need to communicate your personal data in order to investigate, respond to or resolve a complaint or dispute relating to our Website.


We may be required to disclose your Personal Data where we are required to do so by law or where we believe in good faith that such disclosure is necessary in order to:

  • Investigate, prevent or take action in relation to potential or actual illegal activities, or to assist administrative enforcement authorities,

  • carry out an agreement between us and you,

  • investigate and defend us against a complaint or allegation from a third party,

  • protect the security and integrity of our Website,

  • exercise and protect the rights and safety of our users, employees or others.


We endeavour to notify users of third-party requests for their Personal Data where this seems appropriate from our point of view and where it seems technically feasible, except where we are prohibited from doing so by law or by a decision of an authority, or where the request is urgent. We may contest such requests where, in our sole discretion, we consider that they are formulated too broadly, are too vague or are unfounded, but we do not guarantee to contest any request.


The purpose of sharing your Personal Data with the above-mentioned authorities is to meet the legal obligations to which we are subject.




We undertake to use all commercially reasonable means to prevent any exposure or disclosure of your Personal Data. In particular, we implement and maintain measures (including administrative, physical and technical measures) to manage cases of unauthorized disclosure or exposure of your Personal Data.


In the event of an actual or suspected breach of Personal Data, we undertake in accordance with applicable law(s) to use our best efforts to notify you without delay, where technically feasible, and to cooperate with you in investigating and resolving the breach, including, but not limited to, providing reasonable assistance in notifying aggrieved third parties. We undertake to give you access in accordance with and within the limits of the applicable legislation(s), without delay and within the limits of a reasonable request, to our files relating to the breach of your Personal Data, provided however that this does not give you access to files which would belong to other users or which could compromise their security.


In the event of an actual or suspected violation of Personal Data, we undertake to notify the competent authority in accordance with applicable law. 




  • - Right to access, update and delete your Personal Data: Wherever possible, you may access, update or request the deletion of your Personal Data,

  • Right of rectification: You have the right to obtain rectification of your Personal Data if it is inaccurate or incomplete,

  • Right to object: You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data,

  • Right to limit processing: You have the right to obtain a limitation of the processing of your Personal Data,

  • Right to data portability: You have the right to obtain a copy of your Personal Data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format

  • Right to withdraw consent: You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time when the processing of your Personal Data is based on it,

  • Right to complain to an authority: You have the right to complain to a data protection authority about the collection and use of your Personal Data. For more information, please contact your local data protection authority in the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland.


Furthermore, you may access your personal data held by COURHONE SA, request its modification, deletion or refuse its processing. In Switzerland, you can contact the Swiss Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC). With regard to personal data collected via this Website, which is administered by COURHONE SA in Switzerland, you can send a written request to COURHONE SA, c/o UNIFID Conseils SA, Rue du Parc 3 bis, 1207 Geneva or by e-mail to We will endeavour to present you with the personal data concerned, or to correct or delete it, depending on your request.


We may ask you to prove your identity before responding to a request based on the aforementioned rights or otherwise related to your Personal Data.




If you request that we no longer send you direct marketing communications, we will keep a record of your request and contact details to ensure that your request is complied with.

We will only retain your personal data for as long as is reasonably necessary to pursue the purposes for which we collected it, including for the purposes of satisfying legal, regulatory, tax, accounting or reporting obligations. We may retain your personal data for a longer period in the event of a claim or if we reasonably believe that there is a possibility of a dispute concerning our relationship with you.




We reserve the right to modify this policy at any time. We encourage you to visit this page regularly to review any changes and to stay informed about the steps we take to protect the personal data we collect. By accepting this Privacy Policy, you acknowledge that it is your responsibility to regularly review this Privacy Policy for any changes. If you do not accept these modifications, please do not use our Website.


We will always treat your Personal Data in accordance with the Privacy Policy in effect at the time of collection.

The new version of the Privacy Policy comes into force on the day of its publication, the day mentioned at the top of this Privacy Policy corresponding to the date of entry into force.




Our failure to enforce any provision of this Privacy Policy shall not be construed as a waiver of such provision

If any provision of this Privacy Policy is held by a judicial authority to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this Privacy Policy shall not be affected thereby.

This Privacy Policy constitutes the entire agreement between us and you with respect to the privacy policy of our Website. It supersedes any prior agreement we may have with you regarding the privacy policy of our Website.



If you have any questions about this privacy policy, please contact us at   or


c/o UNIFID Conseils SA

Rue du Parc, 3 bis

1207 Geneva



This document was last updated on January 30th, 2024.